Sunday, November 05, 2006
First Post!!
Ok, here's my current workout level;
Each week I usually go to the gym twice, and do 30 minutes running on the treadmill, gradually building up speed from 4.5mph to 7.5mph, 20 minutes on the ellipticals ( I LOVE these- unfortunately so does everybody else, and there are only two at the gym), 20 minutes on the stepper, 10 minutes on the bike, 5 minutes on the rower, a round of various weight machines and often walking on incline on the treadmill.
In addition I try to run twice weekly- one distance of 6 miles and one longer run- usually about 7- 8 1/2 miles.
I do also undertake 'Challenge' walks every two months or so- organised walks of 26 miles in one day.
It has occured to me that if I am going to become a triathlete, I had actually better start swimming and running too... although my bike tyres are down to bare canvas and I am absolutely skint...