Thursday, February 01, 2007


STILL Feeling Rough...

I'm getting fed up with this now! I've been off work all week and and coughing, erm, let's just say rather productively, so it appears to be a bit of an infection. Mum is still convinced it's my lifestyle and that I do too much!

Not that I've done much of anything the last two weeks. I did go for a little walk last night but felt a bit dizzy (nothing new there then!!)

Ooh I hate not being able to be active! Even though common sense tells me that trying to do too much before I've recovered could set me back even further.

I shall just withdraw into my little shell of self pity and phlegm and concentrate on recovering and then building up slo-o-o-wly for my first event of the year- the Tamworth Heart 10K on the 18th... for lo and behold, we are in February already so where the hell did January go???

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