Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Oh My Goooooooood!!!!!!!

Oh my God! I have really gone and done it this time... I have only gone and got a place in the 2009 Marathon des Sables!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep- really!! Registration opened at 10am on Monday 5th March and I took the day off work to be ready- as I figured that places would go pretty quickly. It's an international event, and the UK only has 200 odd places available per year and there seem to be plenty of foolhardy souls wanting to sign up for this torture! They accept 100 onto a waiting list after all places are gone, but of course there is no guarantee of a place.

So I registered bang on 10am, gave my details and everything seemed to run smoothly. And I have just logged on to find an email confirming my registration!! I'm in a sense of shock as it's now real...

Incidentally, I logged back in just 2 hours later on Monday just out of curiosity and places were already sold out, even the waiting list!

I have two years to prepare... and am already feeling very scared...


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