Saturday, May 05, 2007


Weekly Totals

Right, weekly totals for last week, as I am very bad at remembering to post them...

5 1/2 miles slow, cross country

Elliptical Trainers
20 minutes easy
10 minutes increasing resistance
50 minutes on home cross trainer

20 minutes
50 minutes on home stepper

5 minutes

5 minutes

Strength Training

40 minutes easy
7 minutes on incline on treadmill
26 miles challenge walk!

Not a great deal, it will be better when I am running again. I had thought about building up to running the challenge events, but having read that walking and running use different muscles, and that people walking some of the MdS are struggling as they are only used to running, I think that the long walks are still going to be essential. Let's face it, I will not be able to run all of the MdS!

Had a nice day today, a friend paid for the adoption of two shetland ponies, at the Blue Cross Rescue Centre at Rolleston-on-Dove for Christmas. We went to see them today, and got to groom them. They are called Misty and Star- you can see them here. No piccies from me, though, as Asda had ran out of batteries for my camera! My mate took some, but she hasn't yet explored the realms of digital photography, so I may have to wait a while before I see them.

Went to the gym last night, it feels strange not running. At least the elliptical trainers give the illusion of running without the impact. When I adjust the tension I can really feel the muscles in my glutes etc working which may not be a bad thing! I love the ellipticals... unfortunately so does everybody else, and as there is only two, this can cause a bit of a problem for me!

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