Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Midweek Update...

Not been up to an awful lot since Saturday's trek. Monday I ran 4 1/2 miles, and picked up the pace a bit, and touch wood; still no Achilles pain, soreness or creaking- it really feels as though everything has suddenly gone back into place, but I am going to be very, very careful with it...

Tuesday I did some weight training at home, and used my cross trainer for an hour whilst watching Diet Doctors... excellent motivation!

I am going to see a friend tonight, so I will bike there, not sure how far it is but there are a couple of decent hills! I am having to pick up the pace a bit as I intend to enter the Dovedale Dipper and also the Bullock Smithy, which eluded me last year (damn chest infection!!)

I am also, very slooowly, catching up with my holiday blog- it just takes ages to upload the photos!!

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