Tuesday, September 11, 2007



I'm not at work today, felt off all day yesterday and woke up with a headache and sick/ dizzy feeling. I rang my mum and told her, only to get the "Don't you think you're overdoing it? You are doing a lot of exercise... you are nearly 40 now you know..." Thanks mum, that makes me feel so much better!!

I have had quite an easy week after the long walk though; I went to the gym again Sunday and although I covered the usual 3 miles on the treadmill at 6.1 mph, 6.3 mph and 6.5 mph, plus usual weights and resistance work on the elliptical trainer, I didn't go overboard.

I am stiff still from Saturday though, as I had a riding lesson with my mum, who has recently started as she has always liked horses but never had proper lessons. We were only walking and trotting but she reckons I wore her out as she doesn't usually do that much trotting! It may seem as though the horse is doing most of the work, but doesn't half get the muscles you don't normally use! We are going on a day's hacking (riding out in the countryside) with older sis at the end of the month, probably won't be able to walk for a week afterwards!

I have also walked, plus ran my cross country route of 5 1/2 miles on Saturday. Total weekly mileage, running and walking, was about 16 miles, but the week before, it was around 45! I was going to go for a longer run tonight, but think I may put it off til tomorrow night now. I suppose I should just take it easy today... now I'm old!

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My Mum is just the same, "don't you go overdoing it", "you'll make yourself ill","you have a family now you know" etc. In fairness she is probably right although the last one is usually said as if I have forgotten and left them waiting to be picked up somewhere!
I think a mums support is the best, its just ... unique support :)

Hope you are feeling a bit better now.
Thanks Mike, feeling quite a lot better now. Mums are great, though, and I guess they just worry too much.
I wish she wouldn't keep telling me I'm nearly middle aged though...
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