Sunday, June 29, 2008


Another Week Over...

I am convinced that the years are actually getting shorter!! We are nearly at the end of June- it's July in Tuesday! Woah- where did the first half of the year go!?! I will be in the Sahara before I can blink again at this rate!!

I haven't done much in the way of mileage this week, mainly because I'm doing the Grand Prix series; obviously road races take much more out of the body than training runs, as you are naturally pushing a lot more, so lots of long slow mileage as well is probably not a good idea... I will build these back up after the end of the series next week.

I had a good gym work out today though... lots of running at 6.3mph and above on the treadmill, interspersed with a couple of minutes at 7 and 7.5mph for a bit of interval training. I did the usual 20 minutes on the elliptical and increased the intensity during the second half. Luckily it didn't affect my knee.

I did the usual strength training and bingo-wing blasters (which aren't working- I reckon I could probably just flap my way to Ouazazate next year and save on the air fare!) Then I managed 20 minutes on Brian... I have been on the Lifefitness website, and discovered that Brian is actually a Summit Trainer! A new piece of kit, supposedly designed to give the user a 'challenging' work out and exercised those muscles used for climbing hills! (Glutes, hamstrings etc)

I have already been leaning forwards and making deeper steps, whilst using the arms, which is the most challenging position. And it doesn't get my knee! I don't think that the gym could have got a better piece of kit for me- let's hope everybody else doesn't realise how good it is as there's only one!

Walked the dogs with mum in between showers, I think she was glad to get out as stepdad is doing some DIY so the air was rather blue. Jake certainly gives the arms a work out!

Going to have a lovely soak later...

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