Friday, July 25, 2008


Ear Update...

I still appear to have very little hearing in my left ear. I had managed to convince myself that I had done some permanent damage, and had lost the hearing for good, so plucked up the courage to see my GP yesterday...

... his verdict, in his own words, is "A bloody great impacted lump of wax which is going nowhere!" He also insisted in taking my blood pressure- god knows why, I'm sure earwax doesn't impact on blood pressure; he didn't divulge what it was, but I heard him say "Perfect!"

So I will need to have it syringed in a fortnight's time, which will be a totally new experience... in the mean time, I need to soften it by shooting olive oil down my ear twice a day- a lot easier said than done and I'm going to have a permanently greasy ear for a fortnight. I will be so glad to get my hearing back, it's quite disorientating not to mention irritating!!

I am doing a long walk along the Ridgeway tomorrow with Carol, who is also doing the MdS next year- we are aiming to do around 30- 35 miles out and back, in preparation for the Kent 50. It's very warm today so hopefully should be nice! Be great to meet Carol too.

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