Sunday, June 21, 2009


Not Much To Report...

It's been a bit of a boring week after the excitement of last weekend... it's been 'that' time of the month, so I have eaten far too much chocolate and other rubbish. I always lose the motivation to train, so this week has been an effort.

But I did cover 7/8 miles yesterday, and ran- well, jogged- most of it. It incorporated the 'flasher' footpath but luckily there were no individuals indulging in dodgy pursuits (apart from birdwatchers!)

And I did run 3 miles on the treadmill today at 6 mph- so not a total wash out!

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Motivation is sometimes hard to come by for us blokes as well, especially on midweek Football Nights.

I've told myself that I now have 18 weeks to prepare for the Beachy Head Marathon.

And after the hard 6 hour slog that was the South Downs Marathon, it would be an idea to use this time wisely.

Good in you for doing the South Downs Marathon, bet that was a tough one.

I'm sure you will be fine for the Beachy Head- sounds good, I will have to check that one out. Hope your training goes ok!
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