Sunday, July 19, 2009


Not A Great Week...

It's not been a good week. In fact it has been a totally unproductive week during which time I've done bu**er all apart from stuff vast quantities of chocolate, ice cream, toffees and pizza... I don't know why- it's not even THAT time of the month, so I have no excuse!

I would love to know how come some weeks this whole fitness thingy seems effortless- we are so motivated, so hyped, and can't wait to get out there or into the gym and do our stuff. We eat nothing but good stuff- wholemeal rice, pasta and bread, tons of fresh fruit and salad, and refuse to allow so much as a rich tea to pass out lips. We look in the mirror and admire our soon-to-be-toned bodies and smile with pity when colleagues moan about being breathless walking up the stairs...

... and then the next week, we can't face going to the gym, have to force ourselves out the door by the scruff of our running t-shirts, run down the road feeling bloated and feeling our whole body protest,and eat practically everything sweet that's not nailed down!

There's no justice! True, I haven't felt too well and have been very tired, but it's no excuse really! I think I need a motivation shot...

I did haul my flabby body out for a 7/ 8 mile walk yesterday and forced myself to the gym today, although I had to compromise by promising the body a reduced workout or I would have had a mutiny on my hands- but the Robin Hood Marathon is only 7 weeks away!!! How on earth did that happen!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jo Kilkenny made an absolutely marvellous attempt on the Arch 2 Arc challenge, but sadly had to be pulled out of the water several hours into the swim with exhaustion- the conditions were such that she wasn't managing to make headway. Even as she was being pulled into the boat, Jo was making plans to attemp the A2A again in 2011 and she went on to complete the 180 mile bike leg- I don't think I could have done that. Jo is a true endurance athlete and I've no doubt that she will succeed on 2011!

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Ah !

The old 'Train and Binge' fitness regime, I know it so well.

Last week was the GF's Birthday, so Monday was a meal (Curry), Tuesday felt rough, Wedneday was the Birthday (So cake), and the rest of the week entailed no training.

This week had involved a trip to Sussex and back (approx 500miles) so training will not resume until tomorrow.

Oh well, at least I managed the 10K
Train and binge.. I like that, it is so apt! Why is motivation so much easier some weeks than others!

Sounds as though you had a busy week last week, though I think you can be excused time of for your gf's birthday!

Thanks for your link to your realbuzz blog, I have bookmarked it. Here's to a better training week for us both, although I am off to Blackpool this weekend so won't get much done there.
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