Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Dropped Off The Face Of The Earth???

No... just had a really rubbish couple of weeks training. Mum hasn't been well and had to undergo a small operation, plus I agreed to dog sit over the weekend, so hardly managed any training last week- beyond one Total Tone class and throwing the ball for Jake to catch.

Dog Sitting!

This week isn't going too great either- I ran 3 miles Monday but have had a headache for the past two days, which won't shift; typical really, it's bad enough to make me feel rough and not want to pound the streets or pump weights at Total Tone, but not bad enough to justify time off work... a few colleagues have had it so it's probably a virus. Which will hang around for ages.


Next week has GOT to be better...


It's that old 'Work related headache', brought on by the fact that work is unnatural, riven with politics, egos and is basically crap !

I think most of the population get it Mon - Fri.

I've done very little as well, except for the small matter of Beachy Head this weekend (as a walker).

Definately work related- I think I am allergic to work...

Due to my dodgy knee I haven't done much at all... and the Brecons Ultra is looming!
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