Tuesday, October 09, 2012


A Blast From The Past

I found myself dog sitting for the week whilst my mum and stepdad were on holiday (a cruise... okay for some!!)

This meant living in East Goscote for the first time since October 2008.

I took the opportunity to revisit a few of my old favourite walking and running routes- down to Syston, running to Rearsby and back and my all time stand by walk- to Rearsby, across the fields, back to Thrussington before heading back to Rearsby by the old mill.

God I can't remember when I last did that walk and I seemed to sense the ghost of my former, fitter, self as I treaded the once familiar fields.

... the bloody cows were still there though!!

I have the Dave Lewis Challenge this Saturday, and have not done the amount of training I would have liked thanks to work, dog sitting and generally being a lazy git so it will be tough going, but about time I did something. I have also been getting that odd pain on the bone of my instep on the left foot. I should really get it checked out instead of moaning about it!

Hope everyone else is being more productive than me at the moment!!

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