Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Just Booked Next Year's Holiday!

I've just booked next year's holiday to give myself something to look forward to during the winter months. It's a week's walking tour with Explore Worldwide, and takes place in the Spanish Pyrenees! It's classed as 'moderate' so should be within my capabilities and as it uses Barcelona airport I've decided to get a bit more adventurous and arrange my own flights a day or so earlier so I can do some touristy sightseeing in the Gaudi city.

After the tour ends I plan to catch the train down to Alicante and spend a few days with my Dad.

Really can't wait now! Don't think I'll really need to any special training for this one apart from up the distance back to back, which is just as well as I haven't done a huge amount this week. I did manage to walk to work and take a longer route back with my pack though- and managed a tough (for me at the mo) gym workout Sunday! Hope everyone else it okay.

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nice blog...keep it up
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