Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Full Of Cold!!

Aah no, I have come down with a cold and feel like sh*te!! Not good news... as a result I haven't done anything more strenuous than use my mini stepper whilst watching copious amounts of telly for the past two nights... may try a walk later, but I don't want to jeopardise the Grindleford Gallop on Saturday...

Somebody told me you shouldn't run with a cold... it affects your heart or something. Or is this me just looking for a cop out!

Seriously- all I feel like doing is slobbing out with a book and massive bar of chocolate. Speaking of chocolate, I have got to have a bit of a rant... I don't get those little bars of chocolate sold, in packs, with the title 'fun size' bars... excuse me?? What is the 'fun' part of two miniscule inches of chocolate?

Now- anything 100g or over... surely that's fun size...

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