Saturday, September 29, 2007
Pony Trekking!
I've had quite a good week this week training wise... Monday I did the slow, easy recovery run of 4 1/2 miles, Tuesday I went out on the bike for an hour, Wednesday I ran 8 1/2 miles- the first time since hurting my Achilles at Easter. My Achilles was absolutely fine!
Had a good workout at the gym Thursday night; I ran for 35 minutes, concentrating on 6.3mph and 6.5 mph but also running up to 8 mph as I think that using the treadmill for speed sessions is working. I did my usual on the ellipticals and the strength training, but increased the resistance on the stepper, went back on the ellipticals for 13 minutes resistance work and walked on the treadmill at incline. Phew! It just seemed quite effortless.
I'd like to know, however, why some days, when I run, it seems effortless- I'm floating along, wind in my hair, body working like it should, breathing great etc etc, and other days it's an effort to run down the road, everything aches and I'm puffing and blowing like a knackered locomotive!! (like today...)
I had a rest day yesterday, went to Burger King (naughty naughty) with my mate, who's been poorly.
Just about to go and pack, but I have been out for a gentle 5 miler this morning and then about 25 minutes on my stepper...
I guess horse riding may be some form of training, although admittedly more for the horse than me!
Labels: gym, Pony Trekking, running
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
(Very) Cross Training...
Also I am thinking of the benefits of cross training, so had carefully planned a 1 hour bike ride into my schedule for this evening... I had a later finish at work so resolve to get home, grab the bike from the understairs cupboard, pump up the tyres and go...
Ok, here's what really happened...
Get home
Grab bike out from cupboard
Feel tyres. Too soft. Grab bike pump
Pump front tyre
Pump back tyre. It is now slightly less soft but not much
Try to get more air in. Fail
Head out anyway
Realise back tyre is actually far too soft
Head back home and grab pump
Connect pump to valve and manage to let out all remaining air in the tyre
Swear loudly
Try again. The tyre refuses to accept any air whatsoever
Chuck bike on floor
Try again. Same result
Chuck bike on the floor
Realise pump is broken
Chuck pump on the floor
Throw bike into house, walk to Mum's and borrow her bike
Ride for an hour! Schedule completed...
Labels: Cross training, cycling
Monday, September 24, 2007
Event Report; The Crossdale 10k
I knew the route went across fields and along tracks, but should have known what to expect when I passed signs for the Crossdale 'Trail Run' as I neared Keyworth. The even started and finished at Crossdale Primary School; in fact, the proceeds from the event went towards the school.
There were quite a few people there; I passed the t-shirt stall; there was a free t-shirt for completing the run, and they looked quite smart, black and white. I noticed that there was a huge pile of medium and large, but only a tiny pile of small ones, which was a bummer as I figured that by the time I got back, they'd be all gone and I'd be left with one I could only feasibly wear as a night shirt. I hung around the stall for a while until another runner came up and asked the women behind the stall if she could collect her t-shirt now. They gave her one and marked her race number, so I followed her example and secured a Small. (That gave me a bit of a boost actually as 3 years ago I would have been wondering whether a large would have hidden by body- that is, if I'd managed to run 6 miles at all!)
I was quite early so had a mooch around, passing several runners stretching, including one bizarrely doing a kind of yoga 'downwards facing dog' style. I noticed that the teachers had obviously got the kids involved in making a kind of Tibetan style wishing tree- whereby a ribbon is tied to a tree branch and a wish made. The kids had written their 'wishes', laminated them and hung them on, so I took the time to read a few. Among more predictable ones like 'I wish thatpeople didn't fight each other' and 'I wish that somebody could help all the people who are poor', one little lad had written 'I hope that my rat will be alright and that my Grandad will be alright'. Talk about getting his priorities right!
The start of the race was partway down a field, and was quite a steep downhill. Judging by the comments, it was suddenly dawning on folks that we would have to run back up it at the finish. I stayed near the back, just ahead of the fun runners massing for their start 10 minutes later.
At 10am we were off down the field; I realised I was at the back, but overtook a few folks. We passed under a railway bridge and through more fields, which were rather rutted so required more care. We turned off the field and onto an undulating track, passing under the railway again, before picking up a bridleway running along the field edge; I had to watch where I was putting my feet. The water point came at about 4k, but I only managed 3 gulps on the run. We turned down a tarmac track as part of a loop, and just before halfway the route turned back on itself before heading back round to the water point. My legs were starting to feel quite tired and my stomach was churning a bit; I actually felt a little queasy which worried me. The returning runners were passing us, and I turned at the turning point into the full force of the wind.
Another stretch of tarmac after a farm brought us to the road; we were directed along the grass verge back to the water point where I caught up with a lady and slowed to allow myself a few gulps. I must say, there were lots of marshalls and they were all very encouraging.
We were back on the same route we took out; I overtook the lady and headed down the bridleway. We were now going slightly downhill and I realised I felt much better. My legs were still rather tired but the queasiness had gone. I hit the track and immediately faced a climb. There were runners in front of me, but I couldn't catch them. Just after the 8k marker it was time to turn back through the rutted fields. A couple of blokes hared past, obviously putting a last minute spurt on, but I didn't feel capable of doing the same! All thoughts of a PB went out of the window as it was the toughest 10k I'd done.
Just after the 9k marker we passed under the bridge, and soon after were faced with the climb up to the finish. What a climb, I swear it's the toughest I've yet experienced on a run! It was horribly steep; I tried to keep a running motion, but probably wasn't moving faster than a walk. I was convinced I was going to throw up, and just hoped I could hold onto breakfast long enough to get me past the crowds of cheering kids.
It did actually taper off at the finish, and as I turned towards the line I realised with a shock that the clock was counting 58 minutes- no, that couldn't be right, my PB was 59 minutes something! I actually crossed the line in 58 minutes and 56 seconds- I PB'd over that course which was amazing. I must be getting a bit faster- maybe the treadmill strategy is paying off!
The other thing I was pleased about was the complete lack of Achilles trouble! In fact I came home and put in 50 minutes on my cross trainer! Looking at the results, I came 161st out of a field of 193, not too bad for me!
I have made a decision to enter the Turkey Trot rather than the 50 mile Round Rotherham. I think that it may be a mistake to up the distances to 50 miles this soon, especially when I am still building up the length of my runs after my Achilles problems. I think that what I will do, it to concentrate on maintaining the 26 mile in a day or so challenge walks and build up the running to half marathon.
Then next year I will up the mileage and get in some 50 mile events and hopefully be able to run/ walk them. This is my reasoning anyway... I'm not copping out!!
Labels: 10k, Crossdale 10k, Turkey Trot
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Because of this, I only did 2 miles on the treadmill, doing some 'Fartlek' faster bursts. I am using the treadmill for faster running and the outside for slower distance runs! Also did some resistance on the elliptical trainer after my usual warm up.
My colleague has told me about a fairly local half marathon, which I think I'll consider; The Turkey Trot. Apparently the winner gets a turkey; I'd be lucky to get a mince pie!
Labels: Crossdale 10k, Turkey Trot
Monday, September 17, 2007
The Ponton Plod
Labels: Challenge walks, Ponton Plod
Saturday, September 15, 2007
So I had a rest day yesterday and went out for a meal in the evening with my mate- so taxing!
Actually, it was quite a cheap night out, as we were walking back to my car and I spotted something on the ground. You know how sometimes you convince yourself it's a fiver and it turns out to be a sweet wrapper or something... well, I don't know what made me pick it up, but it turned out to be two fivers folded together!
There was nobody around, and we reckoned that if we were to hand it in, the staff would probably pocket it anyway, so I split it and we had a fiver each, which was very welcome.
I have just walked a fairly brisk 6 miles, and have the 27 mile Ponton Plod tomorrow. I am thinking of being kind to my poor old body and taking a light pack; if I remember rightly from last year, there will be rolls, cake, coffee etc half way round so no need to take much.
I am going to try not to get a speeding ticket this year too- got flashed by a camera in Melton Mowbray on my way to last year's event!
Labels: gym, Ponton Plod, walking
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Feeling Better
It has motivated me to stop whining about my headache and get my arse down to the gym!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I have had quite an easy week after the long walk though; I went to the gym again Sunday and although I covered the usual 3 miles on the treadmill at 6.1 mph, 6.3 mph and 6.5 mph, plus usual weights and resistance work on the elliptical trainer, I didn't go overboard.
I am stiff still from Saturday though, as I had a riding lesson with my mum, who has recently started as she has always liked horses but never had proper lessons. We were only walking and trotting but she reckons I wore her out as she doesn't usually do that much trotting! It may seem as though the horse is doing most of the work, but doesn't half get the muscles you don't normally use! We are going on a day's hacking (riding out in the countryside) with older sis at the end of the month, probably won't be able to walk for a week afterwards!
I have also walked, plus ran my cross country route of 5 1/2 miles on Saturday. Total weekly mileage, running and walking, was about 16 miles, but the week before, it was around 45! I was going to go for a longer run tonight, but think I may put it off til tomorrow night now. I suppose I should just take it easy today... now I'm old!
Labels: gym, horse riding, illness
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Jane Tomlinson
Kind of makes the MdS seem almost a walk in the park by comparison (I did say almost!) and makes me feel that I ought to appreciate my health, and strength, and the opportunity I have to undertake the challenges I have so far and have planned for the future.
We never know what's in store for us around the corner, and it was when Jane found out that she was dying that she was inspired to challenge herself and undertake some amazing achievements.
Makes me think that if there is anything we want to do in life, we should just go for it and not put things off; if we don't 'just do it', we might never get the chance!
RIP Jane, you are an inspiration.
Labels: Jane Tomlinson
Mid Week Update
The soles of my feet are still slightly sore though... funny enough, whilst I was doing my walk I thought it felt as though the bottom of my socks had worn away and my feet were rubbing unprotected against my shoes, but dismissed it as one of those imaginary feelings you tend to get, such as a small piece of grit in your shoe feeling like a boulder, or that feeling where a blister feels as though it has taken over the whole of your heel when it's the size of a drawing pin head.
When I took my socks off though, there were two large, perfect holes where the ball of the foot would have been... oops, think I need new socks!
I have decided against doing the Chatsworth Challenge this Sunday as originally intended as
- I am doing the Ponton Plod on the following Sunday (16th) and though that undertaking three long walks on three consecutive weekends may be a little too much at this stage
- I, erm, missed the entry deadline...
I have this week off, so am trying to catch up with a few bits and bobs, it's amazing how much time working and training takes out of your day... I know I've said it before, but I really haven't got time to go to work, it really gets in the way of other things I'd rather be doing with my time!
Labels: Ponton Plod, recovery
Monday, September 03, 2007
The Charnwood Round
So I instead opted for the Charnwood Round anytime challenge walk I picked up a few years ago, and have been meaning to do ever since. There are opportunities for shortening the route, but I opted to do the full 33 miles. As there would be no check points, I had to take my own water and food- 3 litres of water, a lucozade drink and flask of coffee, so my pack was quite heavy (although it did lighten as the day went on!)
The route starts at Newtown Linford, a pretty stone village at the end of Bradgate Park (childhood home of Lady Jane Grey). It was a lovely morning as I left the village and walked through the fields, the dew soaked my running shoes. I decided to wear these as wearing walking boots over this kind of distance just knackers my feet.
This was part of the Charnwood Marathon I did in March, but in reverse. I made my way up the road to the impressive ruins of Ulverscroft Priory (much of which were under some kind of plastic covering).
From here, the route went through the busy hamlet of Copt Oak before a long gradual ascent towards Bardon Hill.
Labels: challenge, Challenge walks, Charnwood Marathon, Charnwood Round
Saturday, September 01, 2007
The Charnwood Round
Basically a lot of the route is the route used for the Charnwood Marathon, but in reverse.
I'll take my pack and make it fairly heavy, which shouldn't be difficult as I will need to carry my own water. The LDWA walks give you the luxury of regular check points/ drink stations!
Had a session at the gym Thursday and had another kind of session last night- the bar, boogie and lager type! Ah well, I don't do that too often and I'm sure dancing is good exercise!!
Walked down to Syston via Queniborough today, approx 4 miles, as a gentle wind down for tomorrow's planned trek!
Meeting some mates tonight, too, for a meal at the Harvester, good job I'm doing all this exercise!
Labels: Charnwood Marathon, Charnwood Round, gym